A new international showcase for Vertimag. After meeting with great success at the LogiMAT Exhibition in Stuttgart, the Ferretto’s automatic vertical storage system will be presented at the Industry Days (Ipar Napjai) in Budapest. The initiative, which will take place from 16 to 19 May, is an important international event for the industrial sector. This will be a good occasion for Laune – partner of Ferretto Group – to illustrate the advantages offered by the latest generation of Vertimag to companies of any industrial sector thanks to its ability to handle materials in any format, weight and size. Visitors will have the opportunity to see how this automated solution saves space – by reducing the occupied surface area to up to 1/10 compared to a traditional storage system -, meets specific storage needs thanks to its range of 120 drawer size combinations, and ensures the best working conditions for operators through 6 different types of bay, including the exclusive Ergo- Tech bay. The latter guarantees perfect ergonomics for the operator during picking activities and at the same time can manage the flows of a double bay, thus increasing productivity.
Laune and Vertimag are ready to welcome visitors at Hall A 210C.

Industry Days 2023 Ungheria


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Ferretto spa

Strada Padana verso Verona, 101

36100 Vicenza, Italia
C.F./P.IVA IT00149440240
C.S. EURO 5.000.000 i.v.

Ferretto Group S.p.a.

Strada Padana verso Verona, 101

36100 Vicenza, Italy
DIN./VAT.N IT00149440240
C.S. EURO 5.000.000 i.v.