Olivotto Glass Technologies

Olivotto Glass Technologies – Improved space management and increased productivity thanks to Vertical Lift Modules Vertimag

Olivotto Glass Technologies is a company based in the province of Turin that has been designing and manufacturing machinery and systems for the production of hollow glass for over 70 years, providing customized solutions for every need. Internationally recognized as a reference brand for hollow glass solutions, Olivotto Glass Technologies has always boldly invested in research and development and provided all the necessary support to its customers with the aim of developing highly competitive solutions, anticipating market trends, and creating new product and process standards.

Improved space management, greater efficiency to support production, continuous stock traceability: with the vertical lift module developed by Ferretto, Olivotto Glass Technologies overcame space limitations and modernized its production processes

Olivotto Glass Technologies
Avigliana (TO)
Vertical lift modules Vertimag

Vertimag automation: increased productivity and optimized use of space

With a view to the continuous improvement of production, Olivotto Glass Technologies turned to Ferretto to reorganize the storage of production-related components. Before choosing an automated solution, the company stored all components on traditional racking systems: from small parts and screws to heavier and bulkier components. Over time, however, they felt the need to improve space management, order fulfillment, and stock tracking.

Seven vertical lift modules for smart logistics

Ferretto assisted the customer during its transition to automation by designing and building a system made up of two single-bay vertical storage systems for small parts and three storage systems with external bay for bulkier materials. Making the most of the available height, the Vertimag machines provide a useful storage area of 1,410 m2 with a footprint of just 144 m2. The picking and placing operations through the single bay systems are easier and faster thanks to the presence of the sliding console: during the picking of components, in fact, the operator can rely on the panel PC which is close at hand and lists the tasks to be completed. The machines equipped with external bays allow operators to pick and place bulky and heavy components in safe and ergonomic conditions.

A new warehouse based on "Industry 4.0" standards

Overall, the solution designed and built by the Ferretto enabled Olivotto Glass Technologies to fully achieve its objectives in terms of improved use of space and technological upgrade, making production-related activities faster and more efficient. All this could be done taking advantage of the tax incentive provided for investments falling under the “Industry 4.0” plan.


  • Improve production management technology
  • Reorganize and optimize component storage space
  • Improve the management of components used in the production process
  • Optimize inventory control and related inflows and outflows
  • Reduce errors


  • 3 Vertical Lift Modules Vertimag 103XL800, each equipped with a single internal bay
  • No. 4 Vertical Lift Modules Vertimag 103XL990, each equipped with a single external bay

Value added

  • Better management of space, making the most of the height
  • Technological modernization achieved through automation
  • Faster picking and placing thanks to the sliding console
  • Greater safety for goods and operators
  • Continuous traceability of all operations and inventory thanks to the management software, developed entirely by the Ferretto and directly connected to the corporate ERP

The storage system in figures

no. 3 Vertimag 103 XL800, each equipped with a single internal bay
Vertical storage system height 8.861mm
External dimensions (D x W) 3.661 mm x 4.752mm
Tray dimensions (D x W) 1.030 mm x 4.250 mm
Total number of trays 180
Total storage area 262,65 m² per machine
Storage volume 51,22 m³ per machine
Storage system footprint 17,40 m² per machine
4 Vertimag 103 X990, each equipped with a single external bay
Vertical storage system height 8.861mm
External dimensions (D x W) 4.867 mm x 4.752mm
Tray dimensions (D x W) 1.030 mm x 4.250 mm
Total number of trays 142
Total storage area 175,10 m² per machine
Storage volume 51,65 m³ per machine
Storage system footprint 23,13 m² per machine


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Ferretto spa

Strada Padana verso Verona, 101

36100 Vicenza, Italia
C.F./P.IVA IT00149440240
C.S. EURO 5.000.000 i.v.

Ferretto Group S.p.a.

Strada Padana verso Verona, 101

36100 Vicenza, Italy
DIN./VAT.N IT00149440240
C.S. EURO 5.000.000 i.v.